Sunday 29 September 2013

Banana meringue dessert recipe

 This banana dessert is just delicious

For the banana base place in frypan
1 tablespoon butter
2 dessertspoons brown sugar
1 teasp cinnamon sugar
juice of one orange
dollop of cream
then place 4 bananas sliced
warm until sugar is dissolved
then place into dish

Meringue topping
3 egg whites
100 grams castor sugar
100 grams icing sugar
Beat egg whites until stiff then gradually add castor sugar then icing sugar
Place onto banana mixture and bake in a moderate oven until ready.


  1. Interesting! I love lemon merengue pie, and banana cream pie, so this is a "must try" recipe. xo

  2. Hi Barb and welcome x I havnt tried banana cream pie but this was delicious xx


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